Hayley had an absolutely brilliant idea - we should have a Thanksgiving dinner on the Friday night after Thanksgiving. Complete with Turkey (though we couldnt find a whole one as the French usually only eat whole turkeys at christmas), stuffing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, corn bread,

sweet potato casserole, salad, and of course, PUMPKIN PIE! Hayley and I made the pumpkin pie (from scratch! we couldnt find the pumpkin in a can stuff,) Hayley managed the turkey, I made the mashed potatoes, we both worked on the stuffing (again, from scratch! It was so damn good! I will never eat stove top again,) Rocio made the salad, Pili made some flan (wich we were too stuffed to eat,) Janet made the green bean casserole, Hayley made the sweet potato casserole, and Tim and Howard made the corn bread. Then, because Hayley and I thought it would be cool to be Pilgrims and Indians, but didn't have time to execute our plan, we got Janet in on it, and she made some hats for everyone. Somehow, it turned out that everyone's hat fit their personality just right.