How about some pictures of a French cemetary? Would that float your boat? Yes? No? To be honest I really don't care. Look, or don't look. If you don't you're missing out. French cemetaries are cool. My co-locateur Rocio and I seem to share a morbid fascination with cemetaries

. Well, you have to admit they can be so beautiful. It's where people rest their loved ones when they leave the world, and the french do it in a such a memorious way. Rocio and I had an expedition to the Ales cemetary, separated, and couldn't find each other again. It was that big. Then, when I went to leave I found that the gates were locked and there was no way for me to exit. They really should put in a door that opens from the inside only. So, you are locked in a cemetary, and the light is quickly fading from the sky. What do you do? Search an easy way out, obviously. I hopped up on the cement base of the fence to the side of the entryway and climbed over it, then jumped down. Easy enough. I wonder if I could get in the same way? But there would problem be a bunch of heathen teenagers in there wreacking havoc if it were that easy. And I'm not so into cemetaries that I feel the need to climb a fence to get in. Especially if I can't take pictures from lack of light.